Arable Land Evaluation Based on the Household Land Use Behavior in Daxing District of Beijing
Received date: 2007-10-18
Revised date: 2008-05-28
Online published: 2008-08-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.70573111; The National Key Technology R&D Program, No. 2006BAD05B03-6
Due to the large food need, arable land quality is very im portant in China, so how to evaluate its quality has been studied by many researchers. How ever, different regions of China are at different stages of development with different land use objectives. The first is yield maximization stage, and the household land use objective is to m eet fam ily food consum ption needs. The second is yield and profit optim ization stage, and the household land use objective is to m ake m ore profits on the basis of m eeting basic fam ily needs. The third is profit m axim ization stage, and profit is the only land use objective for the household. B ased on the theory of different developm ent stages and land use objectives, a "Pressure-Status-Effect-R esponse" m odel w as developed in this paper to evaluate arable land quality at household level. The arable land quality index system evaluation w as constructed according to the fram e of "PSER " and Daxing District of Beijing was taken as a case study area. The household questionnaire survey and soil survey w ere done to get the data about change of household land use and soil fertility. The indicator of Pressure, Status, Effect and R esponse w as studied based on the arable land index system . The result show ed that the arable land Pressure indicator increased from 63.19 in 1982 to 73.57 in 2000,and decreased from 73.57 in 2000 to 67.85 in 2006, the variance of arable land Pressure indicator increased from 13.92 in 1982 to 41.12 in 2000, and up to 58.59 in 2006; the Status indicator of arable land increased from 56.82 in 1982 to 76.46 in 2000 and up to 81.20 in 20006, the variance of arable land status indicator increased from 58.39 in 1982 to 111.42 in 2000 and up to 209.45 in 2006; the indicator of arable land effects increased from 42.39 in 1982 to 64.34 in 2000, but it w as stable in 2006.The arable land indicator change from 1982 to 2000 and 2006 show ed that the arable land quality w as affected by the governm ent policy, the governm ent introduced "the household responsibility system " policy to increase the household input level, due to the poor arable land quality before 1982; w ith the introduction of the household responsibility system , the arable land quality increased from 1982 to 2000, but the arable land quality variance increased because of the household land input difference; the arable land quality kept stable from 2000 to 2006, but arable land quality variance increased quickly. The new governm ent policy of the household land scale m ust be introduced to increase the arable land quality as general.
KONG Xiangbin, LIU Lingw ei, QIN Jing . Arable Land Evaluation Based on the Household Land Use Behavior in Daxing District of Beijing[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008 , 63(8) : 856 -868 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200808007
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