Spatial Concentration Characteristics of Urban Land Use along Highways in Rapidly Urbanized Region of Shenzhen

  • 1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China;
    2. Shenzhen Graduate School of Peking University,The Key Laboratory for Environmental and Urban Sciences,Shenzhen 518055,China

Received date: 2007-07-16

  Revised date: 2008-05-20

  Online published: 2008-08-25

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 40635028


Land use and land cover change research needs to paid m ore attention to identify spatial characteristics. Spatial concentration characteristics of urban land use along highw ays, as an im portant econom ic corridor in rapidly urbanized region, are helpful to identify spatial pattern of econom ic activities and expanding rules of urban land use in the future. This paper analyzed the spatial concentration characteristics of urban land use pattern along highw ays in Shenzhen in 2005 by m eans of landscape pattern m etrics and association rule of spatial data m ining. The paper m easured spatial statistical characters and neighborhood characteristics of urban land use pattern along m ain highw ays in three dim ensions respectively, including single land use type, co-location land use types, and com bined land use types. The results are as follow s: Industrial area w as the prim ary land use type along highw ays in Shenzhen. Export-oriented tow nship enterprises accelerated the urbanization process of rural areas outside the special zone. The area of urban public facilities for education and m edical treatm ent w as com paratively sm all,w hich disturbed the harm ony of urban econom ic functions generally.The landscape m etrics of single land use type in all buffer belts presented particular distance-based character, and they also show ed a gradually reducing trend. There w ere som e sem i-concentration centers,especially in the region 500-1000 m eters aw ay from highw ays,and this could be taken as an im portant spatial threshold for further research. Co-location distribution pattern show ed that tw o different urban land use types are m uch closer in adjacent buffer belts near highw ays. Industrial areas are extrem ely concentrated in adjacent and m uch m ore long-distance buffer belts aw ay from highw ays, and follow ed by the concentration of residential districts in the neighborhood. That phenom enon w as extrem ely obvious outside the special zone in Shenzhen. C oncerning spatial characteristics of com bined land use types, this study indicated strong spatial autocorrelation of each urban land use type in the study area. The com binations of industrial area w ith other land use types w ere com paratively com m on, w hich reflected the spatial pattern of econom ic activities of m ain industrial areas in Shenzhen, especially outside the special zone,and presented the effects of local industrial cluster.

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LV Xiaofang,WANG Yanglin, PENG Jian, WU Jiansheng . Spatial Concentration Characteristics of Urban Land Use along Highways in Rapidly Urbanized Region of Shenzhen[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008 , 63(8) : 845 -855 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200808006


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