Spatial Agglomeration and Influencing Factors of Japanese R&D Industry

  • Department of Geography; Shanghai Normal University; Shanghai 200234; China

Received date: 2009-07-27

  Revised date: 2009-11-20

  Online published: 2010-04-25

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40971068; Leading Academic Discipline Project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, No.J50402; No.09YZ174


Spatial distribution and clustering phenomenon of Japanese domestic R&D enterprises are examined in this paper by the related statistical data of 3302 R&D enterprises.It is found that most of the Japanese R&D enterprises are concentrated in three districts:Tokyo Metropolis,Osaka Prefecture and Nagoya.Among them,most of the R&D companies in Tokyo Metropolis are located close to the headquarters;most R&D companies in Nagoya are close to the production plants;as for the R&D enterprises in Osaka Prefecture,some R&D enterprises are located close to the headquarters,while some others are located near the production plants.And also the R&D industrial structure in the three districts is basically consistent with the local leading industries.On the basis of theory and practice of the related industrial agglomeration in the USA,Europe,Japan and other countries,this paper studies the spatial-temporal process,influencing factors and driving forces of Japanese R&D industrial agglomeration.Economic development cycle and industrial structure determine the formation of Japanese R&D industrial agglomeration to a certain extent.However policies and market driven impetus play a critical role in the development of Japanese R&D industry.Especially Japanese government established industry-university co-operation network and regional innovation network,which has greatly promoted the development and agglomeration of Japanese R&D industry.Enterprises-based R&D institutes,particularly those in a large scale have become key point and impetus in the process of development and agglomeration of Japanese R&D industry.

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WANG Chengyun . Spatial Agglomeration and Influencing Factors of Japanese R&D Industry[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010 , 65(4) : 387 -396 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201004001


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