Spatial Agglomeration and New Firm Formation in the Information and Communication Technology Industry in Suzhou

  • 1. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology; CAS; Nanjing 210008; China; 
    2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100039; China; 
    3. Department of Geography and IPIA; University of Utah; Salt Lake City; Utah 84112-9155; USA

Received date: 2009-07-08

  Revised date: 2009-11-13

  Online published: 2010-02-25

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40771053; Ford Foundation of USA, No.1085-1022; Knowledge Innovation Program of CAS, No.KZCX2-YW-321


The high-tech industry is the key to urban development and regional competitiveness in the context of globalization. However, the distribution of the high-tech industry is spatially uneven, and spatial factors significantly influence its location decision and spatial agglomeration. Although the substantial progress has been made in the studies on industrial agglomeration and location in China, little attention has been paid to the intra-city level. This paper analyzes spatial agglomeration and its influence on new firm location decision in Suzhou city, with a focus on the information and communication technology (ICT) industry. Based on point pattern analysis methods, we find that the level of agglomeration exhibits an inverted-U pattern, with the maximum being around 6 kilometers. Temporarily, hot spots of spatial agglomeration shifts from the old city district towards suburban areas, but ICT firms are still mainly concentrated in national-level development zones surrounding the old urban district. Meanwhile, new firm formation is highly correlated to the distribution of existing firms, which is re-enforcing spatial agglomeration. Poisson regression model has revealed the significant role of agglomeration, as well as development zones, transportation conditions and physical environments, in new firm formation.

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YUAN Feng1; 2; WEI Yehua Dennis3; CHEN Wen1; JIN Zhifeng1 (1. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology; CAS; Nanjing 210008; China; 2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100039; China; 3. Department of Geography and IPIA; University of Utah; Salt Lake City; Utah 84112-9155; USA) . Spatial Agglomeration and New Firm Formation in the Information and Communication Technology Industry in Suzhou[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010 , 65(2) : 153 -163 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201002003


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