Research on Influence of Residents' Place Attachment on Positive Attitude to Tourism with A Mediator of Development Expectation: A Case of Core Tourism Community in Jiuzhaigou
Received date: 2008-11-10
Revised date: 2009-03-22
Online published: 2009-06-25
Supported by
China Study Abroad Scholarship, No.2007100739; National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40371030; Humanities and Social Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, NO. 07JC630026
Drawing from the literatures of Place Attachment and Anticipation Theory, a theoretical model of influence of place attachment of core tourism community's residents on supporting for tourism development with a mediator of expectation was proposed. The model consisted of five latent constructs of place attachment, development anticipation, benefits perception, cost perception and support attitude of residents, and seven path hypotheses and is based upon 188 questionnaires by residents of Jiuzhaigou, China, a major nature-based tourist destination. The model and the hypotheses were tested by utilizing a three-stage structural equation modeling approach involving Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The path analysis of each dimension revealed that path coefficients of each sub-dimension in place attachment and development expectation were consistent in two sub-SEMs, which implied the reasonability of the supposed sub-dimensions in each structural factor. The paper found that the influence on benefit perception or the cost perception of tourism by place attachment is different, and the former is always stronger than the later with or without an intermediary role in the case. Further, self-identity dimension, as the most directly perceived and likely identified dimension for residents, was found play the most important role in the SEM of residents' benefit perception, finding of which also rich the traditional evaluation model about social and cultural impact of tourism. There also had a positive support attitude from the residents with a benefit perception of tourism but a negative impact for supporting with a cost perception. The study also revealed that residents' expectation of tourism development as a mediator is subsistent and effective. Through the mediator of development expectation, the influence of residents' place attachment on perception as well as support of tourism was strengthened. Again, as a mediator, development expectation played a more important role in the SEM of residents' benefit perception than that in cost side.
XU Zhenxiao1, ZHANG Jie1, Geoffrey Wall2, CAO Jing1, ZHANG Honglei1 . Research on Influence of Residents' Place Attachment on Positive Attitude to Tourism with A Mediator of Development Expectation: A Case of Core Tourism Community in Jiuzhaigou[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009 , 64(6) : 736 -744 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200906010
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