The Critical Cluster Model and Its Application in Accessibility Assessment of Public Bus Network
Received date: 2008-09-19
Online published: 2009-06-25
Supported by
Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Ministry of Education, No.[2007]24; National Key Technology R&D Program in the 11th Five-year Plan, Ministry of Science and Technology, No.2006BAJ10B03
The Critical Cluster Model (CCM) is a network optimization model that can be used to identify neighborhoods facing transportation difficulties during an evacuation process. It defines the Bulk Lane Demand (BLD) as the ratio of population to exit capacity that is adversative to the meaning of accessibility. Based on this context, this paper applies CCM to assess the accessibility of public bus network by introducing multiple bus lines in the certain road sections and considering the spatial distribution of population being assigned to each bus stop. The bulk bus line demand, as the substitution of original BLD, is therefore used to reflect the people,s convenience in taking public buses. An application of CCM in accessibility assessment of public bus network in Beijing tests the flexibility of this method. Considering the importance of accessibility in urban transportation, the modification of CCM by introducing other factors should be the focus of further studies.
CHEN Xiang1, LI Qiang1, WANG Yunjing1, CHEN Jin2, TANG Qiao3 . The Critical Cluster Model and Its Application in Accessibility Assessment of Public Bus Network[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009 , 64(6) : 693 -700 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200906006
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