Spatial Pattern Evolution of Shanghai Tourist Lodging Industry during the World Expo Construction Period

  • Tourism College of Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241003, Anhui, China

Received date: 2012-01-20

  Revised date: 2012-05-20

  Online published: 2012-10-20

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41230631; No.41271171; Key Social Foundation of Anhui Education Department, No.2010sk117


Taking the lodging industry as an example, the paper integrates qualitative and quantitative methods and the spatial analysis method of GIS to study the space pattern evolution characteristics of the lodging industry and explores the formation and the evolution mechanism of the lodging industry in the metropolitan city. The results are shown as follows. (1) During the early period of the World Expo construction, Shanghai's lodging industry presented an initial pattern of "two-center agglomeration, along the axis of the distribution to a gradient" while a general pattern of "multicenter agglomeration, many axes gradient distribution" when the Expo was being held. (2) During the Expo construction period, the overall space layout of the lodging industry spread gradually from the inner ring road to the outer ring road, and the main cluster center evolved from two centers to multiple centers with three prominent evolutionary directions in space, namely, the northwest of the city, Pudong direction and the development direction from the central area to the peripheral area along both sides of the Huangpu River. (3) During the Expo construction period, Shanghai's lodging industry developed quickly and presented an overall agglomeration layout, the star hotels are characterized by high concentration-high concentration development, and the economy hotels are featured by low concentration-high concentration development. (4) The 2010 World Expo exerted a distinct influence on Shanghai's lodging industry and formed an intensive industrial cluster center and concentrated distribution site centering on Expo garden. Comparatively, the influence of the Expo on economy hotels was stronger than on star hotels. (5) In general, the spatial pattern of formation and evolution of the lodging industry corresponded with the urban spatial development pattern and the urban function structure evolution. Various elements, such as the politics, economy, mega events, the development environment, and the business entity, promote the agglomeration and decentralization of the urban lodging industry effectively through mutually influenced comprehensive mechanism. (6) Together with the government policy, the comprehensive effect of the city development, the great economic effect, the post-Expo development, the overall development of the Expo garden, the 2010 Shanghai World Expo influences the direction and speed of the spatial pattern evolution of the urban lodging industry. The study provides scientific foundation and theoretical basis for the construction distribution of lodging industry system and metropolitan tourism industry planning in the context of the mega event.

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WANG Chaohui, LU Lin, FANG Ting, XIA Qiaoyun . Spatial Pattern Evolution of Shanghai Tourist Lodging Industry during the World Expo Construction Period[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012 , 67(10) : 1423 -1437 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201210012


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