基于泥炭记录的过去150 a东北山地大气粉尘沉降
鲍锟山, 杨婷, 肖湘, 贾琳, 王国平, 沈吉

Atmospheric dust deposition history over the past 150 a recorded by mountain peatlands in northeast China
BAO Kunshan, YANG Ting, XIAO Xiang, JIA Lin, WANG Guoping, SHEN Ji
表1 东北泥炭中成岩元素与中国北方干旱半干旱地区表层土壤和气溶胶中元素含量比较
Tab. 1 Comparison of lithosphere metals in peat taken from northeast China Mountains, surface soils and dust aerosols of arid and semi-arid areas of northern China
样品 区域 铝(%) 钙(%) 铁(%) 锰(mg g-1) 钒(mg kg-1) 钛(mg g-1) 数据来源
泥炭 长白山地区 0.5~2.3 1.2 0.2~0.9 0~0.2 0~33.9 0.1~1.7 [27, 29]
泥炭 大兴安岭 2.9~5.9 4.1~6.2 2.4~3.8 1.0~2.3 87.7~123.9 1.6~4.3 [14]
表土 塔克拉玛干沙漠 5.0~5.3 6.3~6.6 2.1~2.3 0.5 - 0.3 [58]
表土 戈壁沙漠 6.0 2.8 3.0 0.6 - 0.4 [58]
表土 黄土区域 5.3~6.0 4.8~5.1 2.5~2.9 0.5~0.7 - 0.3 [58]
粉尘气溶胶 巴丹吉林沙漠 7.0 7.0 4.0 2.0 - 0.5 [47]
粉尘气溶胶 北京 8.6 - 2.4 1.0 95.0 - [59]
粉尘气溶胶 兰州 4.6 5.13 2.6 0.7 99.0 3.4 [60]