李文君, 李鹏, 封志明, 游珍, 肖池伟

Spatial definition of "Unpopulated Areas (UPAs)" based on the characteristics of human settlements in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
LI Wenjun, LI Peng, FENG Zhiming, YOU Zhen, XIAO Chiwei
表1 青藏高原居民点分布气候特征
Table. 1 The climatic characteristics of the settlements in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
温湿指数 感觉程度 居民点占比(%) 土地占比(%)
< 40 极冷、极不舒适 2.78 10.36
40~45 寒冷、不舒适 29.46 24.87
45~55 偏冷、较舒适 37.63 35.82
55~60 清、舒适 8.58 12.94
60~65 凉、非常舒适 9.63 7.8
65~70 暖、舒适 11.85 7.9
70~75 偏热、较舒适 0.07 0.31