温庆志, 孙鹏, 张强, 姚蕊

A multi-scalar drought index for global warming: The non-stationary standardized precipitation evaporation index (NSPEI) and spatio-temporal patterns of future drought in China
WEN Qingzhi, SUN Peng, ZHANG Qiang, YAO Rui
Tab. 1 Classification of NSPEI and SPEI
NSPEI值 干旱类型 NSPEI值 干旱类型
> 2.00 极端湿润 -0.99~0 轻度干旱
1.99~1.50 潮湿 -1.49~1 中度干旱
1.49~1.00 湿润 -1.99~1.5 重度干旱
0.99~0 正常 < -2.00 极端干旱