崔颖颖, 朱立平, 鞠建廷, 罗伦, 王永杰

Seasonal variations of water balance and supply process based upon discharge monitoring in Ranwu Lake of Southeast Tibet
Yingying CUI, Liping ZHU, Jianting JU, Lun LUO, Yongjie WANG
表2 然乌湖流域高程分带、各分带面积及平均高程
Tab. 2 Area of elevation zones and the mean hypsometric elevation in the Ranwu Lake basin
条带 高程范围(m) 流域面积(km2) 条带平均海拔(m) 所占流域面积比例(%) 冰川所占流域面积比例(%)
1 3883~4349 261.52 4155.65 13 6.2
2 4350~4599 236.72 4484.14 12 10.6
3 4600~6342 1481.24 5115.5 75 19.2
全流域 3883~6342 1979.48 4929.78 100 16.4