曹诗颂, 胡德勇, 赵文吉, 陈姗姗, 程庆文

Spatial structure comparison of urban agglomerations between China and USA in a perspective of impervious surface coverage: A case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Boswash
Shisong CAO, Deyong HU, Wenji ZHAO, Shanshan CHEN, Qingwen CHENG
表1 景观格局指数及其指标意义
Tab. 1 Landscape pattern indices and its ecological meaning
景观指数 计算公式 指标意义
类型比例 Pi=j=1maijA×100% 景观中某类型的面积占整个面积的百分率
景观形状指数 LSI=0.25EA 斑块聚合或离散程度的量度,LSI越大斑块越离散