地理科学进展  2016 , 35 (11): 1411-1419 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.11.011

Orginal Article


冯爱青12, 高江波1, 吴绍洪1*, 刘燕华13, 何霄嘉4

1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101
2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3. 国务院参事室, 北京 100006
4. 中国21世纪议程管理中心,北京 100038

A review of storm surge disaster risk research and adaptation in China under climate change

FENG Aiqing12, GAO Jiangbo1, WU Shaohong1*, LIU Yanhua13, HE Xiaojia4

1. Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3. Counselors' Office of the State Council, Beijing 100006, China
4. The Administrative Center for China's Agenda 21, Beijing 100038, China

通讯作者:  通讯作者:吴绍洪(1961-),男,广东潮州人,研究员,主要研究方向为气候变化与综合自然地理学,E-mail:wush@igsnrr.ac.cn

版权声明:  2016 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家科技支撑计划项目(2013BAK05B04)中国清洁发展机制基金赠款项目(2013034)






关键词: 气候变化 ; 风暴潮灾害 ; 灾情 ; 风险 ; 适应 ; 中国


Storm surges are a phenomenon of abnormal water-level rises under the influence of strong atmospheric turbulence in coastal areas and are effected by many factors, such as sea-level rise. China has seen frequent storm surges, especially in the southeastern coastal areas where their frequency is high and disaster losses are serious. This article systematically summarized the progress and main problems of storm surge research in China with regard to the hazard, vulnerability, and risk regionalization. Based on the characteristics and risk assessment of storm surges, the impact of climate change and adaptation strategies were further investigated. Especially in the context of climate change, future trend, recurrence periods, and high risk areas of storm surges would be greatly affected by sea-level rise. Thereby, a comprehensive risk assessment incorporating factors such as sea-level rise is urgently needed. Moreover, the changes in natural conditions and socioeconomic development in the coastal areas under global climate change should be taken into account to improve risk assessment with the combination of short-term and long-term views. In order to adapt to the risk of storm surge disasters under climate change, China has continuously improved the capacity building for emergency preparedness, structural defense, and policies and regulations to improve the ability of disaster prevention and mitigation.

Keywords: climate change ; storm surge ; disaster impact ; risk ; adaptation ; China


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冯爱青, 高江波, 吴绍洪, 刘燕华, 何霄嘉. 气候变化背景下中国风暴潮灾害风险及适应对策研究进展[J]. , 2016, 35(11): 1411-1419 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.11.011

FENG Aiqing, GAO Jiangbo, WU Shaohong, LIU Yanhua, HE Xiaojia. A review of storm surge disaster risk research and adaptation in China under climate change[J]. 地理科学进展, 2016, 35(11): 1411-1419 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.11.011

1 引言

20世纪90年代以来,全球气候变暖现象日益突出,风暴潮、台风、暴雨及洪水等自然灾害不断加剧,极端灾害事件频发(张利平等, 2011; Trenberth et al, 2015),气候变化的风险已经引起人们的关注(IPCC, 2014)。沿海地区是气候变化的敏感区域(蔡榕硕等, 2014),极易遭受风暴潮灾害的影响。风暴潮是在强烈的大气扰动条件下(如强风、气压骤变)产生的异常增水的现象,引起风暴潮的天气系统主要有热带气旋、温带气旋及爆发性气旋等(冯士筰, 1982)。风暴潮灾害通常是指由异常的风暴增水与其影响因素(如天文大潮、近岸浪、涌等)耦合产生的高潮位导致人员伤亡和财产损失的灾害。其灾害程度的大小主要受致灾因子危险性及承灾体的易损性共同决定。致灾因子危险性表现为高潮位及其发生频率大小;易损性则是暴露于灾害下的承灾体的损失程度。然而,气候变化引起的海平面上升也是风暴潮灾害的重要影响因素。当前研究对风暴潮灾害的危险性重点关注的是风暴增水及近岸浪、涌引起的高潮位,易损性的评估也不够充分。因此,本文在综述风暴潮灾害的特征及其风险基础上,深入探讨气候变化下风暴潮灾害风险的发展趋势及其适应措施。

2 中国风暴潮灾情及分布格局

中国是西太平洋海岸线最长的国家,沿海地区城市化及社会经济快速发展,人口与社会财富聚集程度位居全球前列(McGranahan et al, 2007)。海岸纵跨温、热两带,渤海、黄海沿岸春、秋季节易引发温带风暴潮,而东南沿海地区夏、秋季节极易遭受台风风暴潮,灾害发生频繁(叶琳等, 2002)。风暴潮的异常增水常常造成堤防摧损、油田淹没、住宅毁坏、农业生产受阻等严重后果,导致重大的经济损失和人员伤亡。根据中国海洋灾害公报灾情统计:2005-2015年中国风暴潮过程累计200多次,直接经济损失高达1500多亿元;其中,单次直接经济损失超过10亿元的风暴潮灾害多达34次,直接经济损失总计1370多亿元,约占所有风暴潮灾害总损失的90%;而“1409威马逊”“1319天兔”“0814黑格比”及“0518达维”等特大风暴潮灾害则是由于风暴增水适逢天文大潮或与近岸浪的共同影响,单次直接经济损失约为80~120亿元。

据1949-2015年历史调查数据统计(图1)(数据源自于:Shi et al, 2015; 国家海洋局, 2015, 2016),中国风暴潮灾害整体呈北部沿海地区较弱、东南沿海地区显著较强的格局。近50年来,东南部沿海地区风暴潮灾害的发生频率较高,受灾人数较多,直接经济损失十分严重,灾害危险性及受灾程度显著高于北部海岸。尤以福建、广东2省风暴潮发生累计频次最多,近几年登陆较为频繁;山东、浙江、福建、广东、海南遭受风暴潮灾害的人员伤亡较为严重,其中浙江遭受风暴潮灾害的累计伤亡人数高达1962人,浙江、福建、广东3省的年平均直接经济损失达37~47亿元。长时间序列的灾情统计结果表明,中国沿海地区风暴潮灾害程度严重且区域差异显著。

图1   1949-2015年中国沿海地区风暴潮灾情分布格局

Fig.1   China's coastal storm surge disasters and impacts, 1949-2015

3 风暴潮灾害的风险评估


3.1 风暴潮灾害的危险性


风暴潮的重现期研究是评价风暴潮灾害危险性的重要因素之一,可实现对其危险性程度的长期预估分析。风暴潮重现期的估计作为海岸工程设计参数的参考依据,是工程建设和灾害防护综合评估的重要环节。概率统计分析方法主要包括:P-III曲线、Fisher/Gumbel分布、韦伯分布、柯西分布、广义极值分布、帕累托分布、对数正态分布、指数分布等参数模型。计算潮位或浪高等的典型重现期,中国海堤工程设计一般推荐Gumbel分布或P-III型分布(中华人民共和国交通部, 2000)。对潮位过程的研究表明,高潮位不仅与台风的特性有关,还与天文潮位等方面密切相关(邰佳爱等, 2009),可通过联合概率(Copula)方法构建风暴增水、海浪及天文潮等多要素的累积概率分布(董胜等, 2005)进行预测预报。基于风暴潮发生过程的数值模拟方法主要通过台风气压场、风场等参数模拟风暴潮增水效果,克服了经验统计方法中历史样本量的限制(黄金池, 2002; 张百超等, 2014)。风暴潮数值模拟最初用于风暴潮预报技术,主要的数值模式有:美国的SLOSH、英国的SE、澳大利亚的GCOM2D/3D、荷兰的DSCM及DELFT3D、丹麦的MIKE21及加勒比海地区的TAOS模式。美国联邦应急管理署(FEMA)开展了大量沿海地区的风暴潮危险性评估工作,其研发的HAZUS模型被很多研究机构及国家部门采用(FEMA, 2015)。在工程设计领域中,对重点防护工程设施(如核电站、石油钻井平台等)采用可能最大风暴潮(PMSS)的设计标准:即通过各等级热带气旋参数之间的定量关系,建立各参数设定及路径合成的方法,构建最优热带气旋计算可能最大风暴潮(李颖等, 2014)。吴玮等(2012)模拟了风暴增水叠加当地天文大潮所产生的风暴潮灾害,二者叠加将会造成大面积的漫堤现象,淹没区域增大。傅赐福等(2015)构建了非结构高分辨率的潮汐—洪水耦合漫滩数值模型模拟水位变化及其相互作用。鉴于历史资料时间序列的不足,现有研究尝试通过资料同化方法提高模拟潮位的准确度(李涛等, 2015)。


3.2 风暴潮灾害承灾体的易损性


风暴潮灾害脆弱性曲线的构建是评估易损性的重要方法,主要基于灾情数据(包括历史文献、灾害数据库及保险数据等)、系统调查及已有脆弱性曲线的修正(周瑶等, 2012)。美国陆军工程师兵团(USACE)和联邦应急管理署(FEMA)等机构收集了大量风暴潮灾害的灾情数据并构建了较为完善的脆弱性曲线(USACE, 2003; FEMA, 2015)。Jonkman等(2008)基于美国、英国、日本、荷兰等国家的灾情数据,建立了风暴潮灾害人口脆弱性模型,用于人口伤亡的灾害评估。尹占娥等(2012)构建了农作物、建筑、室内财产、道路等承灾体受风暴潮在内的多种自然致灾因子的脆弱性特征。为优化脆弱性曲线的构建,现有研究正逐步针对具体灾后承灾体的损失展开问卷调查。例如,在住房损失方面,对不同室内财产、室内装修及房屋结构条件的房屋脆弱性完善了损失率的研究(曹诗嘉等, 2016)。

通过构建指标体系、采用综合指数等方法,可以有效地评估风暴潮灾害的自然脆弱性及社会脆弱性(石先武等, 2016)。基于1990-2009年中国风暴潮历史灾情数据,构建了风暴潮灾害的自然脆弱性评估指数(SSVI),研究发现沿海省区2005-2009年的自然脆弱性较强,受灾人口、农作物、水产养殖及损毁的房屋对脆弱性的贡献最大(谭丽荣等, 2011)。通过指标体系和主成分分析方法研究表明:中国沿海绝大部分地市社会脆弱性处于中等脆弱性水平,东南沿海(广东、广西、海南)地区社会脆弱性较高;而上海、广州、天津和深圳等地具有很强的灾害吸收力和恢复力,脆弱性水平较低(谭丽荣, 2012)。为分类评估风暴潮灾害承灾体的易损性,从社会经济、生态环境、土地利用和承灾能力等方面初步建立了易损性评价指标体系(李阔等, 2011; Xu et al, 2016),并对风暴潮灾害造成的区域生态环境经济损失进行评估(于文金等, 2009)。中国东部沿海地区各土地利用类型中,公共设施和工业仓储用地类型在不同重现期的风暴潮位下淹没损失值较大(谢翠娜, 2010)。中国海岸的珠江三角洲、长江三角洲、黄河三角洲及浙北、苏北、莱州湾、渤海湾、辽东湾地区脆弱性较为显著(王康发生, 2010)。


3.3 风暴潮灾害的风险区划


已有研究中,史培军(2011)结合风暴潮灾害的危险性与承灾体的脆弱性绘制了中国沿海风暴潮灾害风险等级图。郜志超等(2012)与傅赐福等(2013)根据沿海区域的地理、水文、社会经济等特点,构建风暴潮灾害风险评价模型,对风暴潮灾害危险度、易损性及防灾减灾能力进行分析,最后绘制出高分辨率的风暴潮灾害风险区划图。基于不同评价指标的风暴潮风险区划结果有所差异。例如,以经济损失值和经济损失程度为例,根据风暴潮灾害可能产生的经济损失总值差异将中国沿海地区分为高、较高、中、低4级经济风险区,其中,福建、广东、浙江及上海风暴潮灾害经济风险突出,而天津、江苏和河北经济风险较低(王晓玲, 2010);按经济损失程度将沿海省市划分为3个区域,其中上海(第1区)风暴潮经济损失风险最小,海南、福建、浙江、广东4省(第3区)风险最大(赵领娣等, 2011)。但迄今中国还未形成系统的风险区划评价指标体系和区划方法。

4 气候变化对风暴潮灾害风险的影响

全球气候变暖背景下,中国沿海地区高潮位呈显著上升趋势,风暴潮灾害的次数、强度和发生时间跨度均有一定程度的增加(谢丽等, 2010; 卢美, 2013)。气候变化引起的海平面上升被认为是引起沿海水位增长的重要内在驱动力(Karim et al, 2008)。研究表明,由于全球气候变化促使过去百年极端事件的频繁发生(Winsemius et al, 2016),气候变化将对未来海岸带风暴潮灾害风险产生一定的影响。

(1) 气候变化将影响风暴潮未来的趋势及重现周期。近几十年全球气候变化引起的海平面平均上升速率加快(Kopp et al, 2013; Hay et al, 2015),预估2100年风暴潮强度将上升2%~11%,发生频率将增加6%~34% (Knutson et al, 2010)。据1954-2012年的潮位记录数据统计,中国沿海极值水位的增长速率达2.0~14.1 mm/a(Feng et al, 2014),受气候变化的影响显著。20世纪90年代以来,中国沿海大部分港口100年一遇的设计高潮位已被实测潮位超过(陈奇礼等, 1995)。早期研究表明:未来海平面上升0.3 m,广州黄埔港100年一遇风暴潮水位将降为30年一遇(黄镇国等, 2003);而海平面上升0.5 m,天津海岸和上海黄浦100年一遇高潮位降为10年一遇,广州附近海岸则降为20年一遇(杨桂山等, 1995)。近期研究指出:由于海平面上升,至2050年,100年一遇的极值水位的重现期将变为10~30年一遇;至 2100年,1000年一遇的极值水位重现期将缩短为 10年一遇,气候变化引起的海平面上升将显著缩短极值水位的重现期(Wu et al, 2016)

(2) 气候变化将扩大沿海受灾区域并加重影响程度。即使全球升温控制在2℃以内,全球海平面上升高度仍超过1 m (Levermann et al, 2013; Dutton et al, 2015),未来全球暴露于高淹没频率的城市及三角洲淹没区域增加(Syvitski et al, 2009; Güneralp et al, 2015)。海岸带的淹没灾害对社会经济影响很大,未来沿海地区更多的人口和资产将暴露于淹没风险之下(Mokrech et al, 2012; Hinkel et al, 2014; Alfieri et al, 2015)。中国30%以上的海岸带地区为风暴潮灾害高脆弱性区域(Yin et al, 2012),由于人口趋海迁移现象严重,处于淹没风险的人口数量将是世界上最多的国家(Neumann et al, 2015)。通过评估百年一遇重现期的淹没风险,广州、深圳、天津的风险程度位于全球前20位,海平面上升将造成巨大的损失(Hallegatte et al, 2013)。综合考虑海平面上升、潮位及地壳垂直运动,未来30年上海市局部区域淹没深度可达3.0 m以上,全市25%的海塘和防汛墙存在漫堤风险(Yin et al, 2011; 宋城城等, 2014)。预计到2100年山东沿渤海湾地区,100年一遇风暴潮灾害的淹没范围将向内陆推进距离约为240~800 m,人口及社会经济将受到严重影响(龙飞鸿等, 2015)。21世纪内,海平面上升并伴随经济恶化及生态破坏,发展中国家沿海地区的数亿人口可能流离失所(Dasgupta et al, 2009)。


5 气候变化下风暴潮灾害风险的适应对策

随着全球气候变化的影响日益显著,国内外对气候变化的适应认识不断增强(巢清尘等, 2014; Magnan, 2016)。通过成本—效益计算分析表明,由于海平面上升造成的沿海地区淹没损失要远大于适应的成本(Hallegatte et al, 2011; Hinkel et al, 2014)。在中国风暴潮灾情特征及风险评估的基础上,通过分析气候变化引起的海平面上升对风暴潮灾害风险的影响,发现未来中国沿海地区风暴潮灾害风险形势更加严峻。海岸带区域受气候变化的影响突显,但目前中国的适应研究仅处于初步阶段(吴绍洪等, 2014; 吴绍洪等, 2016),为此,迫切需要加强沿海地区适应措施的研究。

围绕沿海地区加强适应气候变化的战略与防御灾害风险的重点任务,中国正在发展和集成符合中国国情的海岸带灾害适应技术框架(刘燕华等, 2013)。而针对气候变化下风暴潮灾害风险适应的步骤主要包括:①定量化评估气候变化下风暴潮灾害的风险是研究适应的前提,提高国家、部门及民众对未来风险的认识。②定量分析沿海地区的抗灾减灾能力。目前沿海地区减灾能力区域差异显著,上海、广州等地的减灾能力相对较强,而其他地区相对较弱。③科学设定减灾目标,确定适应层面、时效层面及程度的目标。减灾适应目标不仅要考虑国家层面,还应制定区域层面目标。减灾时效目标分为长期、中期及近期目标;而减灾程度目标应以适度适应为原则,谨防过度适应及适应不足(李阔等, 2016)。④综合风暴潮灾害的风险与当前的减灾能力,通过量化减灾能力的不足,加强减灾适应能力建设。

为适应气候变化下风暴潮灾害的风险,中国在预警应急响应、工程防御及政策法规等适应能力建设方面不断加强。一是健全观测、预警机制。目前,中国已经初步形成立体海洋观测网和海洋观测数据传输网,现已建设由国家到县区的逐级预警预报服务体系,搭建了较为完整的风暴潮灾害观测预报网络,正在逐步完善和提高气候变化条件下的风暴潮灾害预警能力(何霄嘉等, 2012);同时,进一步完善了风暴潮灾害应急预案体系和响应机制,全面提高沿海地区的防御灾害能力。二是建设海岸防护工程,包括:①针对气候变化将加剧风暴潮灾害的风险,对重点防护地区提高海堤等防御标准,沿海地区大部分堤防都已经达到或接近50年一遇防护标准,其中天津等沿海重点城市已建设成100年一遇高标准防护堤坝,而风险较大的上海市防护堤由100年一遇提高到1000年一遇。②建设生物护岸工程等低成本高效益、无生态危害的可持续生态防御措施,可起到护滩、护堤和促淤等海岸防护作用(Temmerman et al, 2013)。目前,中国部分地区已建有生态防洪防灾工程,如上海、江苏及黄河三角洲沿海的防护林及生态湿地等建设,有效地减轻了海岸的侵蚀并取得良好的效果。三是健全气候变化适应的政策法规。中国海洋部门相继出台了《关于海洋领域应对气候变化有关工作的意见》《海洋灾害应急预案》等一系列方案(仉天宇, 2010),制定了较为科学合理的应对海洋灾害(包括风暴潮)的程序与标准,进而为相关管理部门应对极端的海洋灾害提供科学依据与参考。为改善海洋环境和加强资源保护,并有效地遏制海洋资源过度开发,中国在近年来陆续颁发及修订了相关法律法规(如《海洋环境保护法》等)。但目前中国现有法律法规尚不能满足长期适应气候变化的要求,亟待进一步健全相关法律法规体系。

6 研究展望


(1) 风暴潮灾害风险评估应重视定量化与综合性。当前,对气候变化背景下风暴潮灾害的危险性、暴露度及脆弱性的综合风险评估不足,未来以风暴增水为主的单因素风险评估应转向多因素的综合评估,并将气候变化引起的海平面上升与风暴潮、天文潮等因素结合,计算未来极值水位的重现期。脆弱性曲线具有一定区域适用性,应加强其系统化构建。研究重现期变化与系统构建脆弱性曲线是实现定量化综合风险评估要解决的关键科学问题。

(2) 在综合风险评估的基础上,实现气候变化下风暴潮灾害风险的有序适应。随着全球气候变化和社会经济的发展,沿海地区的综合风险格局也在逐渐改变,应甄别风暴潮灾害风险的敏感区和重点区,提高适应措施的适用性和针对性。现阶段研究主要侧重于短期的风险评估与适应,未来应注重长期与短期相结合,采取技术可行的适应措施,兼顾经济、社会、环境效益,达到适度适应,并尽量避免过度适应与适应不足。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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闽江感潮河段潮汐: 洪水相互作用数值模拟

[J]. 海洋学报, 37(7): 15-21.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.07.002      URL      摘要

本文分析了闽江感潮河段洪水、潮汐特征,利用高精度GIS数据建 立了基于非结构三角网的高分辨率洪—潮耦合模型,在闽江口重点区域的网格分辨率达到50~100m.选取竹岐断面作为径流边界并基于“2006.6.6” 洪水过程设计了3组数值实验,模拟结果表明:相比于只考虑洪水或者潮汐,在耦合洪水和潮汐后,各代表站的模拟值与实测值更为吻合;在30年一遇洪水的作用 下,闽江感潮河段各断面的原有潮汐特征都不同程度地被洪水信号所影响,其中,文山里和解放大桥站表现出明显的洪水特征,而峡南、白岩潭和琯头站则表现出 洪、潮混合特征;从峡南到琯头对应河段在高潮时段流速减小而低潮时段则流速增大,说明该河段存在很明显的洪-潮相互作用.

[Fu C F, Dong J X, Liu Q X, et al.2015.

Flood-tide interaction numerical simulation in Minjiang River tidal reach

[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 37(7): 15-21.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.07.002      URL      摘要

本文分析了闽江感潮河段洪水、潮汐特征,利用高精度GIS数据建 立了基于非结构三角网的高分辨率洪—潮耦合模型,在闽江口重点区域的网格分辨率达到50~100m.选取竹岐断面作为径流边界并基于“2006.6.6” 洪水过程设计了3组数值实验,模拟结果表明:相比于只考虑洪水或者潮汐,在耦合洪水和潮汐后,各代表站的模拟值与实测值更为吻合;在30年一遇洪水的作用 下,闽江感潮河段各断面的原有潮汐特征都不同程度地被洪水信号所影响,其中,文山里和解放大桥站表现出明显的洪水特征,而峡南、白岩潭和琯头站则表现出 洪、潮混合特征;从峡南到琯头对应河段在高潮时段流速减小而低潮时段则流速增大,说明该河段存在很明显的洪-潮相互作用.
[8] 傅赐福, 于福江, 王培涛, . 2013.


[J]. 海洋学报, 35(1): 55-62.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2013.01.007      URL      摘要

建立了一套基于非结构三角网、适用于滨海新区的高分辨率风暴潮漫 滩数值模式,在陆地区域分辨率达到50~80m,对两次典型的温带风暴潮进行模拟得到满意结果.计算了塘沽站19 a平均天文高潮值并根据对历史天气过程的分析,选取制定了4个强度的天气系统,而后模拟得到不同强度下滨海新区的温带风暴潮最大淹没范围.综合考虑风暴潮 淹没风险与承灾体脆弱性制作出滨海新区温带风暴潮灾害风险图.结果表明:大部分地区都存在风暴潮灾害风险,沿海地区风险大于内陆,其中天津新港、临港工业 区、海河北岸地区、大港地区南部的灾害风险最大.

[Fu C F, Yu F J, Wang P T, et al.2013.

A study on extra tropical storm surge disaster risk assessment at Binhai New Area

[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(1): 55-62.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2013.01.007      URL      摘要

建立了一套基于非结构三角网、适用于滨海新区的高分辨率风暴潮漫 滩数值模式,在陆地区域分辨率达到50~80m,对两次典型的温带风暴潮进行模拟得到满意结果.计算了塘沽站19 a平均天文高潮值并根据对历史天气过程的分析,选取制定了4个强度的天气系统,而后模拟得到不同强度下滨海新区的温带风暴潮最大淹没范围.综合考虑风暴潮 淹没风险与承灾体脆弱性制作出滨海新区温带风暴潮灾害风险图.结果表明:大部分地区都存在风暴潮灾害风险,沿海地区风险大于内陆,其中天津新港、临港工业 区、海河北岸地区、大港地区南部的灾害风险最大.
[9] 郜志超, 于淼, 丁照东. 2012.

基于GIS技术的台风风暴潮灾害风险评估: 以台州市为例

[J]. 海洋环境科学, 31(3): 439-442, 447.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1007-6336.2012.03.028      URL      摘要


[Gao Z C, Yu M, Ding Z D.2012.

Typhoon storm surge risk assessment based on GIS: A case study of Taizhou

[J]. Marine Environmental Science, 31(3): 439-442, 447.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1007-6336.2012.03.028      URL      摘要

[10] 国家海洋局. 2015.


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2014nian Zhongguo haiyang zaihai gongbao

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2015nian Zhongguo haiyang zaihai gongbao

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[12] 何霄嘉, 张九天, 仉天宇, . 2012.


[J]. 海洋预报, 29(6): 84-91.

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近30年来,我国沿海海平面平均上升速率为2.6 mm/a,高于全球均值,未来上升趋势还将持续.海平面上升已经并将持续造成海水淹没范围扩大、加剧海洋灾害威胁、破坏典型生态系统健康,对沿海地区经济社会可持续发展提出了重大挑战,这包括海洋灾害造成巨大经济损失、海平面上升加大沿海地区的气候脆弱性和未来面临多因素叠加的风险.此外,海平面上升对我国国土安全造成的威胁不容忽视.为此,建议急需从国家战略层面统筹规划,全面做好海平面上升的适应工作,尤其是解决好沿海经济社会发展中面临的三个问题,即“海平面上升与沿海经济发展的关系问题”、“海平面上升与维护海洋权益的关系问题”以及“海平面上升与近岸生态环境保护的关系问题”,在相关政策法规与管理机制、规划评估与研究、标准规范与工程建设、监测预警能力建设等方面持续推进提高并加以完善.这既是我国应对气候变化的紧迫任务之一,也是实现我国沿海地区经济社会持续平稳较快发展的重要保障.

[He X J, Zhang J T, Zhang T Y, et al.2012.

Study on the sea level rising in the China coast and its adaptation strategy

[J]. Marine Forecasts, 29(6): 84-91.]

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近30年来,我国沿海海平面平均上升速率为2.6 mm/a,高于全球均值,未来上升趋势还将持续.海平面上升已经并将持续造成海水淹没范围扩大、加剧海洋灾害威胁、破坏典型生态系统健康,对沿海地区经济社会可持续发展提出了重大挑战,这包括海洋灾害造成巨大经济损失、海平面上升加大沿海地区的气候脆弱性和未来面临多因素叠加的风险.此外,海平面上升对我国国土安全造成的威胁不容忽视.为此,建议急需从国家战略层面统筹规划,全面做好海平面上升的适应工作,尤其是解决好沿海经济社会发展中面临的三个问题,即“海平面上升与沿海经济发展的关系问题”、“海平面上升与维护海洋权益的关系问题”以及“海平面上升与近岸生态环境保护的关系问题”,在相关政策法规与管理机制、规划评估与研究、标准规范与工程建设、监测预警能力建设等方面持续推进提高并加以完善.这既是我国应对气候变化的紧迫任务之一,也是实现我国沿海地区经济社会持续平稳较快发展的重要保障.
[13] 黄金池. 2002.


[J]. 水利发展研究, 2(12): 63-65.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1671-1408.2002.12.017      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

风暴潮灾害是由于剧烈的大气扰动,如强风和气压骤变导致海水异常升降,使受其影响的海区的潮 位大大地超过平常潮位的自然现象.中国是少数既受台风风暴潮影响又受温带风暴潮影响的国家之一,随着沿海经济的发展,风暴潮灾害已成为重要的灾害种类之 一.通过对风暴潮数值预报技术及今后发展趋势的研究,提出对我国风暴潮防灾减灾工作的建议.

[Huang J C.2002.

Review of storm surge disaster research in China

[J]. Water Resources Development Research, 2(12): 63-65.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1671-1408.2002.12.017      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

风暴潮灾害是由于剧烈的大气扰动,如强风和气压骤变导致海水异常升降,使受其影响的海区的潮 位大大地超过平常潮位的自然现象.中国是少数既受台风风暴潮影响又受温带风暴潮影响的国家之一,随着沿海经济的发展,风暴潮灾害已成为重要的灾害种类之 一.通过对风暴潮数值预报技术及今后发展趋势的研究,提出对我国风暴潮防灾减灾工作的建议.
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[J]. 地理科学, 23(1): 39-41.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2003.01.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

参照广东沿海6个岸段2030年相对海平面上升的预测值,建议提 高沿海工程的设计基准面.根据高潮位升幅的数值模拟,建议提高工程的设计高潮位.在计算不同频率风暴潮潮位重现期变化的基础上,提出各岸段重现期的设防标 准.在计算波高增幅的基础上,提出各岸段设计波高的增大值.

[Huang Z G, Zhang W Q, Chen Q L, et al.2003.

Impacts of sea level rise on design parameters of coastal engineering in Guangdong Province

[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 23(1): 39-41.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2003.01.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

参照广东沿海6个岸段2030年相对海平面上升的预测值,建议提 高沿海工程的设计基准面.根据高潮位升幅的数值模拟,建议提高工程的设计高潮位.在计算不同频率风暴潮潮位重现期变化的基础上,提出各岸段重现期的设防标 准.在计算波高增幅的基础上,提出各岸段设计波高的增大值.
[15] 李阔, 何霄嘉, 许吟隆, . 2016.


[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境, 26(2): 18-26.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2016.02.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Li K, He X J, Xu Y L, et al.2016.

Study on classification of adaptation technologies to climate change in China

[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 26(2): 18-26.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2016.02.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[16] 李阔, 李国胜. 2011.


[J]. 热带地理, 31(2): 153-158, 177.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-5221.2011.02.006      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Li K, Li G S.2011.

A storm surge vulnerability assessment for coastal Guangdong

[J]. Tropical Geography, 31(2): 153-158, 177.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-5221.2011.02.006      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[17] 李涛, 吴少华, 侯京明, . 2015.


[J]. 海洋通报, 34(6): 631-641.

https://doi.org/10.11840/j.issn.1001-6392.2015.06.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于渤黄海沿岸14个潮位站的 历史潮位资料,同时刻同化利用WRF大气模式驱动风暴潮数值模型模拟得到沿岸2′格点的逐时风暴增水。通过烟台潮位站的同化试验以及与观测资料完整的塘沽 和羊角沟潮位站进行重现期比较分析,表明最优插值法可以提高数值模拟法计算得到的重现期风暴潮位的准确度,至少是在潮位站附近同化后的重现期值是合理可信 的,证实资料同化在渤黄海风暴潮重现期分析中具有良好的性能,可在大范围、高分辨率进行沿岸风暴潮重现期分析中予以采用。据此给出了渤黄海沿岸五十年一遇 和百年一遇风暴潮的分析结果,以期为渤黄海沿岸今后的布局规划和堤防建设工作提供决策支持。

[Li T, Wu S H, Hou J M, et al.2015.

Study on the application of the data assimilation in the return period of storm surge in Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea

[J]. Marine Science Bulletin, 34(6): 631-641.]

https://doi.org/10.11840/j.issn.1001-6392.2015.06.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于渤黄海沿岸14个潮位站的 历史潮位资料,同时刻同化利用WRF大气模式驱动风暴潮数值模型模拟得到沿岸2′格点的逐时风暴增水。通过烟台潮位站的同化试验以及与观测资料完整的塘沽 和羊角沟潮位站进行重现期比较分析,表明最优插值法可以提高数值模拟法计算得到的重现期风暴潮位的准确度,至少是在潮位站附近同化后的重现期值是合理可信 的,证实资料同化在渤黄海风暴潮重现期分析中具有良好的性能,可在大范围、高分辨率进行沿岸风暴潮重现期分析中予以采用。据此给出了渤黄海沿岸五十年一遇 和百年一遇风暴潮的分析结果,以期为渤黄海沿岸今后的布局规划和堤防建设工作提供决策支持。
[18] 李颖, 方伟华, 林伟, . 2014.


[J]. 海洋科学, 38(4): 71-80.

https://doi.org/10.11759/hykx20120829002      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

可能最大热带气旋的设定是可能最大风暴潮计算的基础, 对风暴潮灾害应急疏散具有重要意义。利用1949~2011 年中国气象局(CMA)西北太平洋热带气旋最佳路径数据集、美国联合台风预警中心(JTWC)以及美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)最大风速半径数据集, 基于各等级热带气旋参数之间的定量关系, 建立了各等级可能最大热带气旋最大风速、中心气压、最大风速半径、移动速度、移动方向等参数设定及路径合成的方法。以福建省连江县为例, 按照台风、强台风及超强台风强度等级,分强度衰减和不衰减2 种情况, 设定3 种移动方向, 合成了共216 场热带气旋作为可能最大风暴潮的计算输入。另外, 对参数敏感性、风场参数设定、参数设定与计算量的关系、叠加天文潮以及溃堤等问题进行了讨论。

[Li Y, Fang W H, Lin W, et al.2014.

Parameterization of synthetic tropical cyclones at various scales for probable maximum storm surge risk modeling

[J]. Marine Sciences, 38(4): 71-80.]

https://doi.org/10.11759/hykx20120829002      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

可能最大热带气旋的设定是可能最大风暴潮计算的基础, 对风暴潮灾害应急疏散具有重要意义。利用1949~2011 年中国气象局(CMA)西北太平洋热带气旋最佳路径数据集、美国联合台风预警中心(JTWC)以及美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)最大风速半径数据集, 基于各等级热带气旋参数之间的定量关系, 建立了各等级可能最大热带气旋最大风速、中心气压、最大风速半径、移动速度、移动方向等参数设定及路径合成的方法。以福建省连江县为例, 按照台风、强台风及超强台风强度等级,分强度衰减和不衰减2 种情况, 设定3 种移动方向, 合成了共216 场热带气旋作为可能最大风暴潮的计算输入。另外, 对参数敏感性、风场参数设定、参数设定与计算量的关系、叠加天文潮以及溃堤等问题进行了讨论。
[19] 刘燕华, 钱凤魁, 王文涛, . 2013.


[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境, 23(5): 1-6.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2013.05.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu Y H, Qian F K, Wang W T, et al.2013.

Research of adaptive technology framework of addressing climate change

[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 23(5): 1-6.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2013.05.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[20] 龙飞鸿, 石学法, 罗新正. 2015.


[J]. 海洋环境科学, 34(2): 211-216.

https://doi.org/10.13634/j.cnki.mes20150210      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

为了预防和减轻未来海平面上升所造成的淹没对山东沿渤海湾地区的影响,本文采用IPCC全球平均海平面上升数据、沿渤海湾地区地壳垂直运动数据、东风港潮位数据预测2100年100 a一遇的潮位线数据,并借助数字高程模型(DEM)、地理信息系统(GIS)预测海平面上升对潮位线位置的影响。研究结果为:(1)表达2100年潮位线位置的数据;(2)与2000年相比,2100年100 a一遇风暴潮增加的淹没区的空间分布图;(3)与2000年相比,2100年100 a一遇风暴潮增加的淹没区面积和向陆推进距离。预测结果表明:(1)2100年淹没范围随海平面上升幅度增加而增加;(2)相对于2000年,2100年新增的淹没区主要分布于研究区的中西部地区;(3)新增淹没地区人口、工业、农、林、牧、渔业将受到严重影响。

[Long F H, Shi X F, Luo X Z.2015.

The impact prediction of sea level rise on the inundated area caused by 100-year recurrence-period storm surge of Shandong Province around Bohai Bay

[J]. Marine Environmental Science, 34(2): 211-216.]

https://doi.org/10.13634/j.cnki.mes20150210      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

为了预防和减轻未来海平面上升所造成的淹没对山东沿渤海湾地区的影响,本文采用IPCC全球平均海平面上升数据、沿渤海湾地区地壳垂直运动数据、东风港潮位数据预测2100年100 a一遇的潮位线数据,并借助数字高程模型(DEM)、地理信息系统(GIS)预测海平面上升对潮位线位置的影响。研究结果为:(1)表达2100年潮位线位置的数据;(2)与2000年相比,2100年100 a一遇风暴潮增加的淹没区的空间分布图;(3)与2000年相比,2100年100 a一遇风暴潮增加的淹没区面积和向陆推进距离。预测结果表明:(1)2100年淹没范围随海平面上升幅度增加而增加;(2)相对于2000年,2100年新增的淹没区主要分布于研究区的中西部地区;(3)新增淹没地区人口、工业、农、林、牧、渔业将受到严重影响。
[21] 卢美. 2013.


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[Lu M. 2013.

Study on risk assessment of seawall overflowed by typhoon storm surge at Zhejiang coast

[D]. Hangzhou, China: Zhejiang University.]

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[22] 石先武, 国志兴, 张尧, . 2016.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 35(7): 889-897.

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.07.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Shi X W, Guo Z X, Zhang Y, et al.2016.

A review of research on vulnerability to storm surges

[J]. Progress in Geography, 35(7): 889-897.]

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.07.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[23] 史培军. 2011. 中国自然灾害风险地图集[J]. 北京: 科学出版社. [Shi P J. 2011. Atlas of natural disaster risk of China[M]. Beijing, China: Science Press.]

[24] 宋城城, 李梦雅, 王军, . 2014.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 33(12): 1692-1703.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.12.013      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

综合考虑海平面上升、陆域和海域地形变化、海塘沉降等因素,本文以上海历史上引发强风暴潮的热带气旋TC5612、TC8114 和TC0012 为基础,构建了12 种复合灾害情景,利用MIKE21 FM模型模拟分析了不同情景下台风风暴潮对上海造成的漫滩淹没影响。结果表明:以2010 年为模拟基准年份,由于上海地区有高标准的海塘防护,发生风暴潮漫堤淹没的概率极低;但随着时间情景的改变,各情景要素强度加大,漫滩淹没危险性逐渐增大;在2040 年的复合灾害情景中,以正面登陆类热带气旋造成的影响为最大,局部区域淹没深度可达3.0 m以上,全市25.23%的海塘和防汛墙存在漫堤危险,漫堤淹没危险区的面积可达到909.53 km<sup>2</sup>。在此基础上开展了应急避难模拟及避难场所优化研究,进而针对性地提出了保护城市水源涵养区、开挖城市蓄水空间、提高部分海塘设防水平、加强城市排涝系统建设和优化城市应急避难场所布局等空间应对方案。研究成果给上海新一轮“城市安全与综合防灾规划”提供了科学依据。

[Song C C, Li M Y, Wang J, et al.2014.

Simulation of typhoon storm surge impacts in Shanghai based on storm surge scenarios and disaster prevention measures

[J]. Progress in Geography, 33(12): 1692-1703.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.12.013      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

综合考虑海平面上升、陆域和海域地形变化、海塘沉降等因素,本文以上海历史上引发强风暴潮的热带气旋TC5612、TC8114 和TC0012 为基础,构建了12 种复合灾害情景,利用MIKE21 FM模型模拟分析了不同情景下台风风暴潮对上海造成的漫滩淹没影响。结果表明:以2010 年为模拟基准年份,由于上海地区有高标准的海塘防护,发生风暴潮漫堤淹没的概率极低;但随着时间情景的改变,各情景要素强度加大,漫滩淹没危险性逐渐增大;在2040 年的复合灾害情景中,以正面登陆类热带气旋造成的影响为最大,局部区域淹没深度可达3.0 m以上,全市25.23%的海塘和防汛墙存在漫堤危险,漫堤淹没危险区的面积可达到909.53 km<sup>2</sup>。在此基础上开展了应急避难模拟及避难场所优化研究,进而针对性地提出了保护城市水源涵养区、开挖城市蓄水空间、提高部分海塘设防水平、加强城市排涝系统建设和优化城市应急避难场所布局等空间应对方案。研究成果给上海新一轮“城市安全与综合防灾规划”提供了科学依据。
[25] 邰佳爱, 张长宽, 宋立荣. 2009.


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Super high water levels due to intense typhoons 0814 (Hagupit) and 9615 (Sally) in the Peal River Estuary

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[26] 谭丽荣. 2012.


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[Tan L R. 2012.

Assessment on comprehensive vulnerability of storm surge disasters of China's coastal regions

[D]. Shanghai, China: East China Normal University.]

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[27] 谭丽荣, 陈珂, 王军, . 2011.


[J]. 地理科学, 31(9): 1111-1117.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

采用1990~2009年风暴潮灾害损失数据,选择中国东部沿海地区11个省市为研究对象,借鉴沿海脆弱性指数(Coastal Vulnerability Index,CVI)方法的评估思路,构建风暴潮灾害脆弱性指数SSVI(Storm Surge Vulnerabil-ity Index,SSVI),采用加法模型评价中国沿海省区风暴潮灾害的物理脆弱性。结果表明:沿海地区风暴潮脆弱性存在较大年际变化;高和很高脆弱性等级主要分布于东南沿海各省区,低和很低脆弱性等级主要分别于北部沿海各省区,而中等脆弱性等级空间分布则变化较大。

[Tan L R, Chen K, Wang J, et al.2011.

Assessment on storm surge vulnerability of coastal regions during the past twenty years

[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 31(9): 1111-1117.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

采用1990~2009年风暴潮灾害损失数据,选择中国东部沿海地区11个省市为研究对象,借鉴沿海脆弱性指数(Coastal Vulnerability Index,CVI)方法的评估思路,构建风暴潮灾害脆弱性指数SSVI(Storm Surge Vulnerabil-ity Index,SSVI),采用加法模型评价中国沿海省区风暴潮灾害的物理脆弱性。结果表明:沿海地区风暴潮脆弱性存在较大年际变化;高和很高脆弱性等级主要分布于东南沿海各省区,低和很低脆弱性等级主要分别于北部沿海各省区,而中等脆弱性等级空间分布则变化较大。
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Typhoon storm surge vulnerability analyses of China coastal area on the sea revel rise background

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[Wang X L. 2010.

Regionalization of economic risk on storm surge disaster in China

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[30] 吴绍洪, 黄季焜, 刘燕华, . 2014.


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[Wu S H, Huang J K, Liu Y H, et al.2014.

Pros and cons of climate change in China

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[31] 吴绍洪, 罗勇, 王浩, . 2016.

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[Wu S H, Luo Y, Wang H, et al.2016.

Climate change impacts and adaptation in China: Current situation and future prospect

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[Wu W, Liu Q X, Yu F J, et al.2012.

Inundation risk assessment of typhoon storm surge along Taizhou coastal areas

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[Xie C N. 2010.

Risk assessment and scenario simulation of storm surge in Shanghai coastal areas

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[J]. 海洋通报, 29(6): 690-696.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-6392.2010.06.017      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

中国是世界上风暴潮灾害最为严重的国家之一,最近20年,风暴潮灾害带来的经济损失呈波动上升趋势,其造成的直接经济损失总共高达2 443.64亿元;风暴潮灾害造成的伤亡人数总体呈下降趋势,其造成的死亡、失踪人数共为4 128人.分析了近20年来我国沿海地区风暴潮灾害的次数和强度、时空分布及其与灾害损失的相关关系.结果表明:在全球变暖背景下,我国风暴潮灾害的次数和强度呈增加的趋势、风暴潮灾害时空分布具有相对集中性,但其发生的时间跨度有延长的趋势、风暴潮强度和时空分布与灾害损失有一定的相关关系,但不一定成正比关系.研究风暴潮灾害形成机理,评估风暴潮灾情等级,完善风暴潮灾害预警体系,加强风暴潮减灾工程建设,采取综合措施防御大规模围垦区的风暴潮灾害,对中国沿海地区可持续发展具有十分重要的意义.

[Xie L, Zhang Z K.2010.

Study on the relationship between intensity, spatial-temporal distribution of storm surges and disaster losses along the coast of China in past 20 years

[J]. Marine Science Bulletin, 29(6): 690-696.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-6392.2010.06.017      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

中国是世界上风暴潮灾害最为严重的国家之一,最近20年,风暴潮灾害带来的经济损失呈波动上升趋势,其造成的直接经济损失总共高达2 443.64亿元;风暴潮灾害造成的伤亡人数总体呈下降趋势,其造成的死亡、失踪人数共为4 128人.分析了近20年来我国沿海地区风暴潮灾害的次数和强度、时空分布及其与灾害损失的相关关系.结果表明:在全球变暖背景下,我国风暴潮灾害的次数和强度呈增加的趋势、风暴潮灾害时空分布具有相对集中性,但其发生的时间跨度有延长的趋势、风暴潮强度和时空分布与灾害损失有一定的相关关系,但不一定成正比关系.研究风暴潮灾害形成机理,评估风暴潮灾情等级,完善风暴潮灾害预警体系,加强风暴潮减灾工程建设,采取综合措施防御大规模围垦区的风暴潮灾害,对中国沿海地区可持续发展具有十分重要的意义.
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[J]. 自然灾害学报, 20(5): 100-104.

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风暴潮是我国沿海省市面临的重 大自然灾害之一,给这些地区造成了难以估量的损失。选取1989-2008年沿海11省、市、自治区风暴潮的历史数据作为研究样本,运用因子得分基础上的 聚类分析和熵值评价等方法,对这些地区风暴潮灾害经济损失的风险进行了评估,最终按风暴潮灾害的经济损失程度将沿海省市划分为3个区域:即上海为第1区, 表示风暴潮经济损失风险最小;海南、福建、浙江、广东4省为第3区,风险最大;其他省、市、自治区为第2区,表示经济损失风险居中。3个区域的灾害区划, 为我们从更深层次上认识风暴潮的发生及是造成的损失情况提供了新的视角。

[Zhao L D, Chen M H.2011.

Risk zoning of economic loss caused by storm surge in coastal provinces and cities of China

[J]. Journal of Natural Disasters, 20(5): 100-104.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

风暴潮是我国沿海省市面临的重 大自然灾害之一,给这些地区造成了难以估量的损失。选取1989-2008年沿海11省、市、自治区风暴潮的历史数据作为研究样本,运用因子得分基础上的 聚类分析和熵值评价等方法,对这些地区风暴潮灾害经济损失的风险进行了评估,最终按风暴潮灾害的经济损失程度将沿海省市划分为3个区域:即上海为第1区, 表示风暴潮经济损失风险最小;海南、福建、浙江、广东4省为第3区,风险最大;其他省、市、自治区为第2区,表示经济损失风险居中。3个区域的灾害区划, 为我们从更深层次上认识风暴潮的发生及是造成的损失情况提供了新的视角。
[43] 中华人民共和国交通部. 2000. JTJ 213-98 海港水文规范[S]. 北京: 人民交通出版社.

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[44] 周瑶, 王静爱. 2012.


[J]. 地球科学进展, 27(4): 435-442.

https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2012.04.0435      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>在全球变化与全球化背景下自然灾害风险逐年增大,灾害评估就成为风险防范的重要基础。灾害评估包括灾情估算与风险评估2个方面, 而脆弱性分析是把灾害与风险研究紧密联系起来的重要桥梁。脆弱性曲线作为定量精确评估承灾体脆弱性的方法,近年来在多领域被广泛运用,成为灾情估算、风险定量分析以及风险地图编制的关键环节。从致灾因子角度综述脆弱性曲线的研究进展,重点阐述基于灾情数据、已有曲线、调查和模型的脆弱性曲线构建。研究表明脆弱性曲线构建由单曲线向多曲线库、单一参数向综合参数、单一方法向多领域综合应用发展,具有综合化和精细化的趋势。进一步开展多领域、多方法综合脆弱性曲线研究,对灾损快速评估及风险评价,防灾减灾具有重要意义。</p>

[Zhou Y, Wang J A.2012.

A review on development of vulnerability curve of natural disaster

[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 27(4): 435-442.]

https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2012.04.0435      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>在全球变化与全球化背景下自然灾害风险逐年增大,灾害评估就成为风险防范的重要基础。灾害评估包括灾情估算与风险评估2个方面, 而脆弱性分析是把灾害与风险研究紧密联系起来的重要桥梁。脆弱性曲线作为定量精确评估承灾体脆弱性的方法,近年来在多领域被广泛运用,成为灾情估算、风险定量分析以及风险地图编制的关键环节。从致灾因子角度综述脆弱性曲线的研究进展,重点阐述基于灾情数据、已有曲线、调查和模型的脆弱性曲线构建。研究表明脆弱性曲线构建由单曲线向多曲线库、单一参数向综合参数、单一方法向多领域综合应用发展,具有综合化和精细化的趋势。进一步开展多领域、多方法综合脆弱性曲线研究,对灾损快速评估及风险评价,防灾减灾具有重要意义。</p>
[45] Alfieri L, Feyen L, Dottori F, et al.2015.

Ensemble flood risk assessment in Europe under high end climate scenarios

[J]. Global Environmental Change, 35: 199-212.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.09.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Estimates of population affected and direct flood damages indicate that by the end of the century the socio-economic impact of river floods in Europe is projected to increase by an average 220% due to climate change only. When coherent socio-economic development pathways are included in the assessment, central estimates of population annually affected by floods range between 500,000 and 640,000 in 2050, and between 540,000 and 950,000 in 2080, as compared to 216,000 in the current climate. A larger range is foreseen in the annual flood damage, currently of 5.3 B, which is projected to rise at 20–40 B in 2050 and 30–100 B in 2080, depending on the future economic growth.
[46] Dasgupta S, Laplante B, Meisner C, et al.2009.

The impact of sea level rise on developing countries: A comparative analysis

[J]. Climatic Change, 93(3-4): 379-388.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-008-9499-5      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<a name="Abs1"></a>Sea-level rise (SLR) due to climate change is a serious global threat: The scientific evidence is now overwhelming. Continued growth of greenhouse gas emissions and associated global warming could well promote SLR of 1&nbsp;m in this century, and unexpectedly rapid breakup of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets might produce a 3&#8211;5&nbsp;m SLR. In this paper, we assess the consequences of continued SLR for 84 coastal developing countries. Geographic Information System (GIS) software has been used to overlay the best available, spatially disaggregated global data on critical impact elements (land, population, agriculture, urban extent, wetlands, and GDP), with the inundation zones projected for 1&#8211;5&nbsp;m SLR. Our results reveal that tens of millions of people in the developing world are likely to be displaced by SLR within this century; and accompanying economic and ecological damage will be severe for many. At the country level results are extremely skewed, with severe impacts limited to a relatively small number of countries.
[47] Dutton A, Carlson A E, Long A J, et al.2015.

Sea-level rise due to polar ice-sheet mass loss during past warm periods

[J]. Science, 349: doi: 10.1126/science.aaa4019.

URL      PMID: 26160951      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Interdisciplinary studies of geologic archives have ushered in a new era of deciphering magnitudes, rates, and sources of sea-level rise from polar ice-sheet loss during past warm periods. Accounting for glacial isostatic processes helps to reconcile spatial variability in peak sea level during marine isotope stages 5e and 11, when the global mean reached 6 to 9 meters and 6 to 13 meters higher than present, respectively. Dynamic topography introduces large uncertainties on longer time scales, precluding robust sea-level estimates for intervals such as the Pliocene. Present climate is warming to a level associated with significant polar ice-sheet loss in the past. Here, we outline advances and challenges involved in constraining ice-sheet sensitivity to climate change with use of paleo-sea level records.
[48] FEMA.2015.

HAZUS-MH flood model: Technical manual[Z/OL].

2015-02-29[2016-05-29]. .

URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[49] Feng X B, Tsimplis M N.2014.

Sea level extremes at the coasts of China

[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119(3): 1593-1608.

https://doi.org/10.1002/2013JC009607      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Hourly sea level records from 1954 to 2012 at 20 tide gauges at and adjacent to the Chinese coasts are used to analyze extremes in sea level and in tidal residual. Tides and tropical cyclones determine the spatial distribution of sea level maxima. Tidal residual maxima are predominantly determined by tropical cyclones. The 50 year return level is found to be sensitive to the number of extreme events used in the estimation. This is caused by the small number of tropical cyclone events happening each year which lead to other local storm events included thus significantly affecting the estimates. Significant increase in sea level extremes is found with trends in the range between 2.0 and 14.1 mm yr. The trends are primarily driven by changes in median sea level but also linked with increases in tidal amplitudes at three stations. Tropical cyclones cause significant interannual variations in the extremes. The interannual variability in the sea level extremes is also influenced by the changes in median sea level at the north and by the 18.6 year nodal cycle at the South China Sea. Neither of PDO and ENSO is found to be an indicator of changes in the size of extremes, but ENSO appears to regulate the number of tropical cyclones that reach the Chinese coasts. Global mean atmospheric temperature appears to be a good descriptor of the interannual variability of tidal residual extremes induced by tropical cyclones but the trend in global temperature is inconsistent with the lack of trend in the residuals.
[50] Güneralp B, Güneralp İ, Liu Y.2015.

Changing global patterns of urban exposure to flood and drought hazards

[J]. Global Environmental Change, 31: 217-225.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.01.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The studies that quantify the human and economic costs of increasing exposure of cities to various natural hazards consider climate change together with increasing levels of population and economic activity, but assume constant urban extent. Accurate estimates of the potential losses due to changing exposure of cities, however, require that we know where they will grow in the future. Here, we present the first-ever estimates of the changing exposure of urban infrastructure to floods and droughts due to urban land expansion from 2000 to 2030. The percentage of the global urban land that lies within the low elevation coastal zone (LECZ) increases only slightly to 13% by 2030; nonetheless, this corresponds to a 230% increase in the amount of urban land within the LECZ (from 71,00002km 2 to 234,00002km 2 ). In 2000, about 30% of the global urban land (i.e., nearly 200,00002km 2 ) was located in the high-frequency flood zones; by 2030, this will reach 40% (i.e., over 700,00002km 2 ). The emerging coastal metropolitan regions in Africa and Asia will be larger than those in the developed countries and will have larger areas exposed to flooding. The urban extent in drylands will increase by nearly 300,00002km 2 , reaching almost 500,00002km 2 . Overall, without factoring in the potential impacts from climate change, the extent of urban areas exposed to flood and drought hazards will increase, respectively, 2.7 and almost 2 times by 2030. Globally, urban land exposed to both floods and droughts is expected to increase over 250%. There are significant geographical variations in the rates and magnitudes of urban expansion exposed to floods or droughts or both. Several policy options exist to safeguard urban infrastructure from flood and drought hazards. These range from directing development away from flood- or drought-prone zones to large-scale adoption of “green infrastructure” (or “eco-efficient infrastructure”). Decisions, taken today on managing urban growth in locations exposed to these hazards, can make a big difference in mitigating likely losses due to floods and droughts in the near future.
[51] Hallegatte S, Green C, Nicholls R J, et al.2013.

Future flood losses in major coastal cities

[J]. Nature Climate Change, 3(9): 802-806.

https://doi.org/10.1038/NCLIMATE1979      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Flood exposure is increasing in coastal cities(1,2) owing to growing populations and assets, the changing climate(3), and subsidence(4-6). Here we provide a quantification of present and future flood losses in the 136 largest coastal cities. Using a new database of urban protection and different assumptions on adaptation, we account for existing and future flood defences. Average global flood losses in 2005 are estimated to be approximately US$6 billion per year, increasing to US$52 billion by 2050 with projected socio-economic change alone. With climate change and subsidence, present protection will need to be upgraded to avoid unacceptable losses of US$1 trillion or more per year. Even if adaptation investments maintain constant flood probability, subsidence and sea-level rise will increase global flood losses to US$60-63 billion per year in 2050. To maintain present flood risk, adaptation will need to reduce flood probabilities below present values. In this case, the magnitude of losses when floods do occur would increase, often by more than 50%, making it critical to also prepare for larger disasters than we experience today. The analysis identifies the cities that seem most vulnerable to these trends, that is, where the largest increase in losses can be expected.
[52] Hallegatte S, Ranger N, Mestre O, et al.2011.

Assessing climate change impacts, sea level rise and storm surge risk in port cities: A case study on Copenhagen

[J]. Climatic Change, 104(1): 113-137.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-010-9978-3      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study illustrates a methodology to assess the economic impacts of climate change at a city scale and benefits of adaptation, taking the case of sea level rise and storm surge risk in the city of Copenhagen, capital of Denmark. The approach is a simplified catastrophe risk assessment, to calculate the direct costs of storm surges under scenarios of sea level rise, coupled to an economic input-output (IO) model. The output is a risk assessment of the direct and indirect economic impacts of storm surge under climate change, including, for example, production and job losses and reconstruction duration, and the benefits of investment in upgraded sea defences. The simplified catastrophe risk assessment entails a statistical analysis of storm surge characteristics, geographical-information analysis of population and asset exposure combined with aggregated vulnerability information. For the city of Copenhagen, it is found that in absence of adaptation, sea level rise would significantly increase flood risks. Results call for the introduction of adaptation in long-term urban planning, as one part of a comprehensive strategy to manage the implications of climate change in the city. Mitigation policies can also aid adaptation by limiting the pace of future sea level rise.
[53] Hay C C, Morrow E, Kopp R E, et al.2015.

Probabilistic reanalysis of twentieth-century sea-level rise

[J]. Nature, 517: 481-484.

https://doi.org/10.1038/nature14093      URL      PMID: 25629092      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Estimating and accounting for twentieth-century global mean sea level (GMSL) rise is critical to characterizing current and future human-induced sea-level change. Several previous analyses of tide gauge records--employing different methods to accommodate the spatial sparsity and temporal incompleteness of the data and to constrain the geometry of long-term sea-level change--have concluded that GMSL rose over the twentieth century at a mean rate of 1.6 to 1.9 millimetres per year. Efforts to account for this rate by summing estimates of individual contributions from glacier and ice-sheet mass loss, ocean thermal expansion, and changes in land water storage fall significantly short in the period before 1990. The failure to close the budget of GMSL during this period has led to suggestions that several contributions may have been systematically underestimated. However, the extent to which the limitations of tide gauge analyses have affected estimates of the GMSL rate of change is unclear. Here we revisit estimates of twentieth-century GMSL rise using probabilistic techniques and find a rate of GMSL rise from 1901 to 1990 of 1.2 卤 0.2 millimetres per year (90% confidence interval). Based on individual contributions tabulated in the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, this estimate closes the twentieth-century sea-level budget. Our analysis, which combines tide gauge records with physics-based and model-derived geometries of the various contributing signals, also indicates that GMSL rose at a rate of 3.0 卤 0.7 millimetres per year between 1993 and 2010, consistent with prior estimates from tide gauge records.The increase in rate relative to the 1901-90 trend is accordingly larger than previously thought; this revision may affect some projections of future sea-level rise.
[54] Hinkel J, Lincke D, Vafeidis A T, et al.2014.

Coastal flood damage and adaptation costs under 21st century sea-level rise

[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(9): 3292-3297.

https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1222469111      URL      PMID: 24596428      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Coastal flood damage and adaptation costs under 21st century sea-level rise are assessed on a global scale taking into account a wide range of uncertainties in continental topography data, population data, protection strategies, socioeconomic development and sea-level rise. Uncertainty in global mean and regional sea level was derived from four different climate models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5, each combined with three land-ice scenarios based on the published range of contributions from ice sheets and glaciers. Without adaptation, 0.2–4.6% of global population is expected to be flooded annually in 2100 under 25–123 cm of global mean sea-level rise, with expected annual losses of 0.3–9.3% of global gross domestic product. Damages of this magnitude are very unlikely to be tolerated by society and adaptation will be widespread. The global costs of protecting the coast with dikes are significant with annual investment and maintenance costs of US$ 12–71 billion in 2100, but much smaller than the global cost of avoided damages even without accounting for indirect costs of damage to regional production supply. Flood damages by the end of this century are much more sensitive to the applied protection strategy than to variations in climate and socioeconomic scenarios as well as in physical data sources (topography and climate model). Our results emphasize the central role of long-term coastal adaptation strategies. These should also take into account that protecting large parts of the developed coast increases the risk of catastrophic consequences in the case of defense failure
[55] IPCC. 2014. Climate change 2014: Impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part A: Global and sectoral aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change[M]. Cambridge, UK & New York: Cambridge University Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[56] Jonkman S N, Vrijling J K.2008.

Loss of life due to floods

[J]. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 1(1): 43-56.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1753-318X.2008.00006.x      URL      摘要

This article gives an overview of the research on loss of life due to floods. The limited information regarding this topic is presented and evaluated. Analysis of global data for different flood types shows that the magnitude of mortality is related to the severity of the flood effects and the possibilities for warning and evacuation. Information from historical flood events gives a more detailed insight into the factors that determine mortality for an event, such as flood characteristics and the effectiveness of warning and evacuation. At the individual level, the occurrence of fatalities will be influenced by behaviour and individual vulnerability factors. Existing methods for the estimation of loss of life that have been developed for different types of floods in different regions are briefly discussed. A new method is presented for the estimation of loss of life due to floods of low-lying areas protected by flood defences. It can be used to analyse the consequences and risks of flooding and thereby provide a basis for risk evaluation and decision-making. The results of this research can contribute to the development of strategies to prevent and mitigate the loss of life due to floods.
[57] Karim M F, Mimura N.2008.

Impacts of climate change and sea-level rise on cyclonic storm surge floods in Bangladesh

[J]. Global Environmental Change, 18(3): 490-500.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2008.05.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper describes the impacts of sea surface temperature (SST) rise and sea-level rise (SLR) on cyclonic storm surge flooding in western Bangladesh. A calibrated numerical hydrodynamic model was used to simulate surge wave propagation through the rivers and overland flooding. The model was calibrated with base condition (present climate), and then eight flooding scenarios of plausible future conditions were assessed by considering increased surge heights. Flooded area, flooding depth and surge intrusion length were computed by superimposing the predicted maximum water level information on a digital elevation model (DEM). This analysis showed that for a storm surge under 2掳C SST rise and 0.3m SLR, flood risk area would be 15.3% greater than the present risk area and depth of flooding would increase by as much as 22.7% within 20km from the coastline. Within the risk area, the study identified 5690km 2 land (22% of exposed coast) as a high-risk zone (HRZ) where flooding of depth 1m or more might occur, and people should move to nearby cyclone shelters during extreme cyclonic events. Predicted area of HRZ is 1.26 times the currently demarcated HRZ. It was estimated that 320 additional shelters are required to accommodate people in the newly identified HRZ. This information would be of value to policy and decision makers for future shelter planning and designing shelter heights.
[58] Knutson T R, McBride J L, Chan J, et al.2010.

Tropical cyclones and climate change

[J]. Nature Geoscience, 3(3): 157-163.

https://doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-3109-9_7      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The tropical Indian Ocean is characterized by surface-warming trends that are more statistically significant, compared with model-simulated internal variability, than those in many other tropical basins including in the Northeast Pacific and North Atlantic (e.g., Knutson et al., 2006, see Figs. 5, 7, 9). This raises the possibility that tropical cyclone (TC) trends resulting from global warming could emerge in the Indian Ocean prior to other basins. Here, some studies of climate-warming impacts on tropical cyclone behavior relevant to this issue are reviewed.
[59] Kopp R E, Simons F J, Mitrovica J X, et al.2013.

A probabilistic assessment of sea level variations within the last interglacial stage

[J]. Geophysical Journal International, 193(2): 711-716.

https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggt029      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The last interglacial stage (LIG; ca. 130-115 ka) provides a relatively recent example of a world with both poles characterized by greater-than-Holocene temperatures similar to those expected later in this century under a range of greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Previous analyses inferred that LIG mean global sea level (GSL) peaked 6-9 m higher than today. Here, we extend our earlier work to perform a probabilistic assessment of sea level variability within the LIG highstand. Using the terminology for probability employed in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment reports, we find it extremely likely (95 per cent probability) that the palaeo-sea level record allows resolution of at least two intra-LIG sea level peaks and likely (67 per cent probability) that the magnitude of low-to-high swings exceeded 4 m. Moreover, it is likely that there was a period during the LIG in which GSL rose at a 1000-yr average rate exceeding 3 m kyr(-1), but unlikely (33 per cent probability) that the rate exceeded 7 m kyr(-1) and extremely unlikely (5 per cent probability) that it exceeded 11 m kyr(-1). These rate estimates can provide insight into rates of Greenland and/or Antarctic melt under climate conditions partially analogous to those expected in the 21st century.
[60] Levermann A, Clark P U, Marzeion B, et al.2013.

The multimillennial sea-level commitment of global warming

[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(34): 13745-13750.

https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1219414110      URL      PMID: 23858443      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Global mean sea level has been steadily rising over the last century, is projected to increase by the end of this century, and will continue to rise beyond the year 2100 unless the current global mean temperature trend is reversed. Inertia in the climate and global carbon system, however, causes the global mean temperature to decline slowly even after greenhouse gas emissions have ceased, raising the question of how much sea-level commitment is expected for different levels of global mean temperature increase above preindustrial levels. Although sea-level rise over the last century has been dominated by ocean warming and loss of glaciers, the sensitivity suggested from records of past sea levels indicates important contributions should also be expected from the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets. Uncertainties in the paleo-reconstructions, however, necessitate additional strategies to better constrain the sea-level commitment. Here we combine paleo-evidence with simulations from physical models to estimate the future sea-level commitment on a multimillennial time scale and compute associated regional sea-level patterns. Oceanic thermal expansion and the Antarctic Ice Sheet contribute quasi-linearly, with 0.4 m 掳C(-1) and 1.2 m 掳C(-1) of warming, respectively. The saturation of the contribution from glaciers is overcompensated by the nonlinear response of the Greenland Ice Sheet. As a consequence we are committed to a sea-level rise of approximately 2.3 m 掳C(-1) within the next 2,000 y. Considering the lifetime of anthropogenic greenhouse gases, this imposes the need for fundamental adaptation strategies on multicentennial time scales.
[61] Magnan A K.2016.

Climate change: Metrics needed to track adaptation

[J]. Nature, 530: 160.

https://doi.org/10.1038/530160d      URL      PMID: 26863972      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Not Available Not Available
[62] McGranahan G, Balk D, Anderson B.2007.

The rising tide: Assessing the risks of climate change and human settlements in low elevation coastal zones

[J]. Environment and Urbanization, 19(1): 17-37.

[本文引用: 1]     

[63] Mokrech M, Nicholls R J, Dawson R J.2012.

Scenarios of future built environment for coastal risk assessment of climate change using a GIS-based multicriteria analysis

[J]. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 39(1): 120-136.

https://doi.org/10.1068/b36077      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Assessments of changing risks in the future often focus on climate change alone, and ignore other relevant drivers such as socioeconomic changes. If other relevant drivers are considered at all, expert judgment is often used to create scenarios and the underlying logic is not always apparent. In this paper we describe an algorithm-based method for developing quantitative future scenarios of the built environment in East Anglia, England with a focus on a coastal management unit, designated sub-cell023b. The four UK Foresight socioeconomic storylines were inputs to the study: World Markets, Local Stewardship, Global Sustainability, and National Enterprise. On the basis of estimated regional demand, the distributions of new residential and nonresidential properties were calculated under all scenarios using a GIS-based multicriteria analysis. The buildings are distributed across a large swath of East Anglia using four attraction factors with different weightings to reflect the storylines. The factors are the existing settlements, transport networks, coastline, and floodplain. The results show increases in the number of residential and nonresidential properties within the coastal flood plain of sub-cell023b under all socioeconomic scenarios, especially under World Markets and National Enterprise. These increases may lead to a significant increase in flood risk and to a lesser extent in the erosion risk in the study site. More importantly, the multicriteria method presented here demonstrates an algorithm-based approach that provides feasible and flexible tools for the development of socioeconomic scenarios in the context of impact and risk assessment. Hence, the scenario assumptions are explicit, reproducible and easily adjustable, as required. ?tf=“t005” Keywords: ?tf=“t905” built environment, socioeconomic scenarios, multicriteria analysis, flood risk, climate change, GIS
[64] Neumann B, Vafeidis A T, Zimmermann J, et al.2015.

Future coastal population growth and exposure to sea-level rise and coastal flooding-A global assessment

[J]. PLoS One, 10(3): doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118571.

[本文引用: 1]     

[65] Shi X W, Liu S, Yang S N, et al.2015.

Spatial-temporal distribution of storm surge damage in the coastal areas of China

[J]. Natural Hazards, 79(1): 237-247.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-015-1838-z      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Storm surges account for increasing economic losses and casualties (including death and missing) because of sea-level rise and growing population in coastal areas. China is one of the several countries severely affected by storm surge disasters. In this study, the annual variation and geographical distribution of direct economic losses and casualties caused by storm surge in coastal areas of China were analyzed based on the losses database. The results show that: (1) the frequency of the tropical storm surges over the past 65 years has risen remarkably with a significant trend, while the frequency of extra-tropical storm surges does not display this trend; (2) the annual casualties caused by storm surge have decreased, with Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong provinces suffering the highest casualties from storm surge; and (3) the annual direct economic losses present no obvious trend, with Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Fujian experiencing the highest direct economic losses from storm surge. Taking GDP and the gross ocean production into consideration, their loss rates show an obvious decreasing trend over the past 25 years. Although population and exposed value have increased rapidly in coastal areas, the casualties and economic loss rate show a decreasing trend, suggesting that disaster reduction measures by the Chinese government have had a significant effect in storm surge disaster prevention. Copyright Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015
[66] Syvitski J P M, Kettner A J, Overeem I, et al.2009.

Sinking deltas due to human activities

[J]. Nature Geoscience, 2(10): 681-686.

https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo629      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Many of the world's largest deltas are densely populated and heavily farmed. Yet many of their inhabitants are becoming increasingly vulnerable to flooding and conversions of their land to open ocean. The vulnerability is a result of sediment compaction from the removal of oil, gas and water from the delta's underlying sediments, the trapping of sediment in reservoirs upstream and floodplain engineering in combination with rising global sea level. Here we present an assessment of 33 deltas chosen to represent the world's deltas. We find that in the past decade, 85% of the deltas experienced severe flooding, resulting in the temporary submergence of 260,000 km2. We conservatively estimate that the delta surface area vulnerable to flooding could increase by 50% under the current projected values for sea-level rise in the twenty-first century. This figure could increase if the capture of sediment upstream persists and continues to prevent the growth and buffering of the deltas
[67] Temmerman S, Meire P, Bouma T J, et al.2013.

Ecosystem-based coastal defence in the face of global change

[J]. Nature, 504: 79-83.

https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12859      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The risk of flood disasters is increasing for many coastal societies owing to global and regional changes in climate conditions, sea-level rise, land subsidence and sediment supply. At the same time, in many locations, conventional coastal engineering solutions such as sea walls are increasingly challenged by these changes and their maintenance may become unsustainable. We argue that flood protection by ecosystem creation and restoration can provide a more sustainable, cost-effective and ecologically sound alternative to conventional coastal engineering and that, in suitable locations, it should be implemented globally and on a large scale.
[68] Trenberth K E, Fasullo J T, Shepherd T G.2015.

Attribution of climate extreme events

[J]. Nature Climate Change, 5(8): 725-730.

https://doi.org/10.1038/nclimate2657      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

There is a tremendous desire to attribute causes to weather and climate events that is often challenging from a physical standpoint. Headlines attributing an event solely to either human-induced climate change or natural variability can be misleading when both are invariably in play. The conventional attribution framework struggles with dynamically driven extremes because of the small signal-to-noise ratios and often uncertain nature of the forced changes. Here, we suggest that a different framing is desirable, which asks why such extremes unfold the way they do. Specifically, we suggest that it is more useful to regard the extreme circulation regime or weather event as being largely unaffected by climate change, and question whether known changes in the climate system's thermodynamic state affected the impact of the particular event. Some examples briefly illustrated include 'snowmaggedon' in February 2010, superstorm Sandy in October 2012 and supertyphoon Haiyan in November 2013, and, in more detail, the Boulder floods of September 2013, all of which were influenced by high sea surface temperatures that had a discernible human component.
[69] USACE.2003.

Economic guidance memorandum (EGM) 04-01, generic depth-damage relationships for residential structures with basements, CECW-PG10

[Z]. Washington DC: USACE.

[本文引用: 1]     

[70] Winsemius H C, Aerts J C J H, van Beek L P H, et al.2016.

Global drivers of future river flood risk

[J]. Nature Climate Change, 6(4): 381-385.

[本文引用: 1]     

[71] Wu S H, Feng A Q, Gao J B, et al.2016.

Shortening the recurrence periods of extreme water levels under future sea-level rise

[J]. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, doi: 10.1007/s00477-016-1327-2.

URL      摘要

Sea-level rise, as a result of global warming, may lead to more natural disasters in coastal regions where there are substantial aggregations of population and property. Thus, this paper focuses on th
[72] Xu L L, He Y R, Huang W, et al.2016.

A multi-dimensional integrated approach to assess flood risks on a coastal city, induced by sea-level rise and storm tides

[J]. Environmental Research Letters, 11(1): 14001-14012.

[本文引用: 1]     

[73] Yin J, Yin Z E, Hu X M, et al.2011.

Multiple scenario analyses forecasting the confounding impacts of sea level rise and tides from storm induced coastal flooding in the city of Shanghai, China

[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 63(2): 407-414.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-010-0787-9      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Shanghai is physically and socio-economically vulnerable to accelerated sea level rise because of its low elevation, flat topography, highly developed economy and highly-dense population. In this paper, two scenarios of sea level rise and storm surge flooding along the Shanghai coast are presented by forecasting 24 (year 2030) and 44 (year 2050) years into the future and are applied to a digital elevation model to illustrate the extent to which coastal areas are susceptible to levee breach and overtopping using previously developed inflow calculating and flood routing models. Further, the socio-economic impacts are examined by combining the inundation areas with land use and land cover change simulated using GeoCA-Urban software package. This analysis shows that levee breach inundation mainly occurs in the coastal zones and minimally intrudes inland with the conservative protection of dike systems designed. However, storm surge flooding at the possible maximum tide level could cause nearly total inundation of the landscape, and put approximately 24 million people in Shanghai under direct risk resulting from consequences of flooding (e.g. contamination of potable water supplies, failure of septic systems, etc.).
[74] Yin J, Yin Z E, Wang J, et al.2012.

National assessment of coastal vulnerability to sea-level rise for the Chinese coast

[J]. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 16(1): 123-133.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11852-012-0180-9      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Sea-level rise as a result of climate change increases inundation and erosion, which are affected by a complex interplay of physical environmental parameters at the coast. China's coast is vulnerable to accelerated sea-level rise and associated coastal flooding because of physical and socio-economical factors such as its low topography, highly developed economy, and highly dense population. To identify vulnerable sections of the coast, this paper presents a national assessment of the vulnerability of the Chinese coast using 8 physical variables: sea-level rise, coastal geomorphology, elevation, slope, shoreline erosion, land use, mean tide range, and mean wave height. A coastal vulnerability index was calculated by integrating the differentially weighted rank values of the 8 variables, based on which the coastline is segmented into 4 classes. The results show that 3% of the 18,000-km-long Chinese coast is very highly vulnerable, 29% is highly vulnerable, 58% is moderately vulnerable, and 10% is in the low-vulnerable class. Findings further reveal that large amounts of land and population will be vulnerable to inundation by coastal flooding from sea level rise and storm surge. Finally, some suggestions are presented for decision makers and other concerned stakeholders to develop appropriate coastal zone management and mitigation measures.
